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Rugrats from Alia Shawkat http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?app_id=138711277798&href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.funnyordie.com%2Fvideos%2F2bba31cd0b%2Frugrats&send=false&layout=button_count&width=150&show_faces=false&action=like&height=21

Funny Or Die presents Rugrats, the live-action remake of a classic cartoon.

It suddenly makes sense why this show was a cartoon in the first place. I used to think Angelica was just a bitch, but now I see that she was actually just an evil creepy demonic child with serial killer potential. 

About recklessweeknights

@itsChloC @hanped @maxmcluskey Recklessweeknights.com, a site regulated by a bunch of chaotic, young kids who don’t know what is going on with their lives, but hope to make a difference. They told us to find a niche, so we started a website. Incorporating the latest buzz with our dangerous humor woven into it; music, movies, photos, news, gossip, prose. The site is enthusiasticaly fueled by the minds of the inconsistent, confused and misunderstood- teenagers. Each day is different, unpredictable and enticing. We hope to make people think outside of the box, by looking into our own. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do, Hannah, Max and Chloe It’s daily stimuli for the eyes, ears, and mind.


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